Block Authoring in Vara Network

1. Introduction

Vara Network is a standalone Layer 1 decentralized network built on top of Gear Protocol, which is itself based on Substrate. In this article, we will explore how Gear Protocol’s custom block authoring implementation differs from the native Substrate implementation and how this important enhancement allows for Gear’s message queue feature, a core component of Gear’s Actor model. We will begin by examining Substrate’s block authoring process and then move on to how it is implemented in Gear Protocol.

2. Block Authoring with Substrate

2.1 The BlockBuilder Utility

The BlockBuilder utility is used by the Proposer in the Substrate node as an abstraction over the runtime API to initialize a block, push transactions, and finalize a block. In Substrate, transactions are referred to as extrinsics, which include signed transactions, unsigned transactions, and inherent transactions. The Proposer leverages the BlockBuilder to orchestrate the block production process, ensuring extrinsics are managed and applied correctly, and the block is constructed and finalized properly. Inherent transactions, typically just referred to as inherents, are a special type of unsigned transaction that allows block authoring nodes to add information directly to a block. The block authoring process with the BlockBuilder utility is depicted in the diagram below in a slightly simplified form.

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
    participant Proposer
    participant BlockBuilder

    %Proposer->>BlockBuilder: propose_with()
    Note over Proposer: Instantiate BlockBuilder
    activate BlockBuilder
    Note over Proposer: Applying Inherents
    Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.create_inherents()
    loop For each inherent
        Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.push(inherent)
    deactivate BlockBuilder
    Note over Proposer: Applying Extrinsics
    activate BlockBuilder
    loop For each extrinsic
        Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.estimate_blocksize()
        Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.push(extrinsic)
    Note over Proposer: Finalize Block
    BlockBuilder-->>Proposer: return Block
    deactivate BlockBuilder

The important steps where the Proposer interacts with the BlockBuilder are:

  1. Initialize BlockBuilder: The Proposer initializes a BlockBuilder with references to the runtime API and necessary state information.
  2. Applying Inherents: Inherent extrinsics are created using the create_inherents method and added to the new block using push.
  3. Applying Extrinsics: The Proposer then iteratively adds extrinsics from the transaction pool to the block. The BlockBuilder interacts with the runtime API to apply each extrinsic to the blockchain state by calling methods like apply_extrinsic. This ensures each extrinsic can be validly executed before including it in the new block. During this process, the Proposer uses the BlockBuilder’s estimate_blocksize method to monitor the current size of the block. The Proposer stops adding extrinsics if the block size approaches the block size limit or if the consensus deadline is near.
  4. Finalize Block: The block is finalized using the build method, which completes the block construction and produces the final block structure ready for inclusion in the blockchain.

2.2 Time and Size Constraints

When the Proposer authors a block using the BlockBuilder in Substrate, two key constraints need to be managed: the consensus deadline and the block size limit.

The consensus deadline ensures that a block is proposed within a specific timeframe to maintain the overall pace of block production and synchronization across the network. During the block production process, the Proposer monitors the time and ensures that the block is finalized and submitted before the deadline. Additionally, a soft deadline is used as a secondary timing mechanism to decide when to stop attempting to include more extrinsics in a block. The soft deadline is calculated as a percentage of the remaining time until the consensus deadline, providing some flexibility in extrinsics inclusion. This buffer period allows the Proposer to include a few more extrinsics, even if some have been skipped due to size constraints. In this way, the soft deadline ensures that blocks are efficiently filled while adhering to the overall time constraints imposed by the consensus protocol.

The block size in Substrate is measured in units of weight. One unit of weight is defined as one picosecond ($10^{-12}$ seconds) of execution time on reference hardware. The total block size limit is further structured by introducing a DispatchClass for extrinsics:

pub enum DispatchClass {

The runtime constant NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO is set to $80\%$ by default, meaning that $80\%$ of the block weight should be comprised of extrinsics of type DispatchClass::Normal. The remaining $20\%$ can be used by extrinsics of type DispatchClass::Operational and DispatchClass::Mandatory.

Both time and block size (i.e., weight) constraints are related because weight is defined as units of computation per time. Therefore, theoretically, it is possible to measure time in terms of weight, and vice versa. However, in practice, this relationship is not perfect, and both approaches are needed together to maintain consistent block production.

3. Block Authoring with Gear Protocol

3.1 Custom BlockBuilder Implementation

In Gear Protocol, there exists a special inherent called Gear::run (also known as the pseudo-inherent), responsible for processing Gear’s message queue. In Gear Protocol, messages serve as the primary interface for communication between actors (users and programs). Each Gear program includes code to handle incoming messages. During message processing, programs can send messages to other programs or users, including replies to the original message. Gear nodes maintain a global message queue. Users can send transactions containing one or more messages to specific programs via a Gear node, which populates the message queue. During block authoring, messages are dequeued and delivered to their respective programs by Gear::run.

The Gear::run pseudo-inherent must be added at the end of each block after all other extrinsics have been pushed. To accommodate these requirements, Gear Protocol extends Substrate’s BlockBuilder and Proposer implementations. The diagram below highlights the changes in the block authoring workflow compared to Substrate’s native implementation.

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
    participant Proposer
    participant BlockBuilder

    %Proposer->>BlockBuilder: propose_with()
    Note over Proposer: Instantiate BlockBuilder
    activate BlockBuilder
    Note over Proposer: Applying Inherents
    Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.create_inherents()
    loop For each inherent
        Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.push(inherent)
    deactivate BlockBuilder
    Note over Proposer: Applying Extrinsics
    activate BlockBuilder
    loop For each extrinsic
        Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.estimate_blocksize()
        Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.push(extrinsic)
    rect rgb(255,153,0)
    Note over Proposer: Applying Gear::run
    Proposer->>BlockBuilder: BlockBuilder.push_final(max_gas)
    Note over Proposer: Building Block
    BlockBuilder-->>Proposer: return finished Block
    deactivate BlockBuilder

Including the Gear::run inherent in the block is achieved through a new method called push_final, which retrieves the pseudo-inherent using the runtime API and appends it to the end of the block’s list of extrinsics.

pub fn push_final(&mut self, max_gas: Option<u64>) -> Result<(), Error>

3.2 Changes to the Block Structure

Since processing the message queue takes a considerable amount of time, Gear Protocol’s block design is adjusted to accommodate this by altering the ratio of extrinsics included in a single block.

Specifically, the NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO runtime constant is changed from $80\%$ to $25\%$, allowing up to $25\%$ of the block weight to be filled by extrinsics of type DispatchClass::Normal. This adjustment leaves the remaining block weight for extrinsics of DispatchClass::Mandatory and DispatchClass::Operational. However, since there are no DispatchClass::Operational extrinsics in Gear Protocol, Gear::run can effectively utilize up to $75\%$ of the block’s total weight.


In general, we aim to allow Gear::run to occupy this $75\%$ of the total block. Therefore, an additional constant DEFAULT_GAS_ALLOWANCE for Gear::run is introduced, which accounts for this in units of gas (another representation of weight):

pub const DEFAULT_GAS_ALLOWANCE: u64 = 750_000_000_000;

3.3 Deadline Slippage and max_gas Parameter

Since Gear::run assumes it has $75\%$ of the block’s weight available, a mismatch between the used weight and the actual elapsed time could prevent Gear::run from completing within the current block. In this scenario, the pseudo-inherent would need to be dropped from the current block.

To address this, the goal is to provide Gear::run with a realistic approximation of the remaining time available during the block authoring slot. This is achieved by introducing a max_gas parameter, which adjusts for the remaining time in units of gas, as opposed to the DEFAULT_GAS_ALLOWANCE constant.

Additionally, a deadline_slippage parameter is introduced, which acts as a “relaxed” version of the NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO runtime constant. By default, Substrate allocates $1/3$ of the slot duration for block finalization. Since this time is rarely fully utilized, it is possible to exceed the hard deadline to some degree. For example, a deadline_slippage of $10\%$ would allow applying extrinsics for $35\%$ of the block proposal duration. This way, Gear::run can still execute for $75\%$ of the original proposal duration while exceeding the hard deadline by at most $10\%$.

4. Conclusion

In summary, the custom block authoring in Gear Protocol utilizing the Gear::run pseudo-inherent provides substantial enhancements to Substrate, with efficient asynchronous messaging and delayed contract execution being just two examples. These advancements open up new and exciting possibilities for dApp development, which users can explore on Vara Network.