1 Puzzle Description

Bob has invented a new pairing-friendly elliptic curve, which he wanted to use with Groth16. For that purpose, Bob has performed a trusted setup, which resulted in an SRS containting a secret $\tau$ raised to high powers multiplied by a specific generator in both source groups. The exact parameters of the curve and part of the output of the setup are described in the document linked below.

Alice wants to recover $\tau$ and she noticed a few interesting details about the curve and the setup. Specifically, she noticed that the sum $d$ of the highest power $d_1$ of $\tau$ in $\mathbb{G}_1$ portion of the SRS, meaning the SRS contains an element of the form $\tau^{d_1} G_1$ where $G_1$ is a generator of $\mathbb{G}_1$, and the highest power $d_2$ of $\tau$ in $\mathbb{G}_2$ divides $q-1$, where $q$ is the order of the groups.

Additionally, she managed to perform a social engineering attack on Bob and extract the following information: if you express $\tau$ as $\tau = 2^{k_0 + k_1((q-1/d))} \mod r$, where $r$ is the order of the scalar field, $k_0$ is 51 bits and its fifteen most significant bits are 10111101110 ($15854$ in decimal). That is $A < k_0 < B$ where $A = 1089478584172543$ and $B = 1089547303649280$.

Alice then remembered the Cheon attack…

  • from the Puzzle README.md on GitHub

Note: There’s a little quirk in the puzzle’s description. It mentions the first 15 bits of $k_0$ (which is supposed to be a $51$ bit long integer), but the supplied bitstring is only $11$ bits long. Moreover, this bitstring is equal to the decimal $1518$, not $15854$. However, $15854$ is $14$ bits long. It turns out that $k_0$ is actually $50$ bits long and we should use the decimal representaton of $15854$ as the most significant bits of this length $50$ bitstring. In this way we obtain the lower bound mentioned in the text plus one, i.e $A + 1$.

let MSBs = format!{"{:b}", 15854};
let padded_bits = format!("{:0<50}", MSBs);
let Ap1 = u64::from_str_radix(&padded_bits, 2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1089478584172543, Ap1 - 1);

2 Solution

2.1 Cheon’s Discrete Logarithm Attack

Cheon proposed an algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) with auxiliary inputs. In general, the DLP for a group $\mathbb{G}$ is defined as: For a given input $(g, g^\tau) \in \mathbb{G}^2$, compute $\tau \in \mathbb{F}_q$. The auxiliary input in Cheon’s algorithm refers to the knowledge of an additional group element $g^{\tau^d}$. Suppose $g, g^{\tau}, g^{\tau^d} \in \mathbb{G}$ are given for a divisor $d$ of $q-1$. Let $$\tau = \zeta^{k_0 + k_1 \frac{q-1}{d}}$$ for $0 \leq k_0 < \frac{q-1}{d}$ and $0 \leq k_1 < d$ for a primitive element $\zeta$ of $\mathbb{F}_q^{\times}$. Then the secret element $\tau \in \mathbb{F}_q$ can be computed deterministically by a succession of two rounds of Baby-step Giant-step in $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{q/d} + \sqrt{d})$ exponentiations and by using $\mathcal{O}(\max{(\sqrt{q/d}, \sqrt{d})})$ storage. In the following we will make use of this attack to solve the puzzle.

2.2 Puzzle Setup

We are given the elements:

  • $P, \tau P$ and $\tau^{d_1} P$ of the group $\mathbb{G}_1$, and
  • $Q$ and $\tau^{d_2} Q$ of the group $\mathbb{G}_2$.

Here, $P$ and $Q$ are generators of the respective groups. We only know that $d_1 + d_2$ divides $q - 1$, so the requirements for Cheon’s attack are not fulfilled. However, since the given curve is pairing-friendly we can make use of the bilinear pairing $$e: \mathbb{G}_1 \times \mathbb{G}_2 \to \mathbb{G}_T$$ to transform the problem to obtain suitable group elements. First, we set $g := e(P, Q).$ With this we obtain $$e(\tau P, Q) = e(P, Q)^{\tau} = g^{\tau}.$$ Now, remember Cheon’s attack requires us to have an element $g^{\tau^{d}}$, such that $d | (q- 1)$. For this we let $d:= d_1 + d_2$ and use the points $\tau^{d_1}P$ and $\tau^{d_2}Q$: $$e(\tau^{d_1}P, \tau^{d_2}Q) = e(P, Q)^{\tau^{d_1+d_2}} = e(P,Q)^{\tau^d} = g^{\tau^d}.$$ Having obtained the three group elements $g, g^{\tau}$ and $g^{\tau^d}$ we are ready to implement Cheon’s attack. According to Alice, we can write $$\tau = 2^{k_0 + k_1\frac{q-1}{d}} \pmod{q},$$ where $0 \leq k_0 < \frac{q-1}{d}$ and $0 \leq k_1 < d$. This means that $\zeta := 2$ is a primitive element of $\mathbb{F}_q^{\times}$, i.e. $2$ generates $\mathbb{F}_q^{\times}$. Any non-zero element $\alpha \in \mathbb{F}_q$ can be written as $2^i$ for some $i \in \mathbb{N}$. Since $d$ divides $q-1$, the expression $k_0 + k_1\frac{q-1}{d}$ yields a natural number. We are now going to compute $k_0$ and $k_1$ to recover $\tau$. This is done by confining the search space using the two subgroups $H_1$ and $H_2$ to be defined in the next sections.

2.3 Solving the DLP in $H_1$

The first step of Cheon’s attack is to compute $k_0$ using BSGS. Luckily, we already know the first $14$ bits of $k_0$, so we only need to find the remaining $36$ bits. We use the knowledge of $\tau$’s representation from Alice to restrict the search space as follows: $$\tau = 2^{k_0 + k_1 \frac{q-1}{d}} \implies \tau^d = 2^{dk_0 + k_1(q-1)} = 2^{dk_0}(2^{k_1})^{q-1} = (2^{d})^{k_0}.$$ Here we used Fermat’s Little Theorem to obtain $(2^{k_1})^{q-1} = 1 \pmod{q}$. So, in short this means that finding $k_0$ is equivalent to solving the DLP given by the equation $(2^{d})^{k_0} = \tau^d$.

Moreover, this DLP is restricted to the subgroup1 $H_1 := \{x^d | x \in \mathbb{F}_q^{\times} \},$ i.e. the elements of $d$-th powers in $\mathbb{F}_q^{\times}$. The order $|H_1|$ of this subgroup is $\frac{q-1}{d}$, which is easy to show2.

Using BSGS we can solve this DLP in $H_1$ by making a space-time tradeoff, splitting the remaining $2^{36}$ possibilities in half. To account for the known $14$ bits stored in $A$ we re-write $k_0$ as $$k_0 = A + i\cdot 2^{18} + j,$$where $0 \leq i,j \leq 2^{18}$. Therefore, we have $$\tau^d = (2^d)^{k_0} = (2^d)^{A + i\cdot 2^{18} +j} = (2^d)^{A+i\cdot 2^{18}}(2^d)^{j}.$$ We re-arrange the terms a bit more to obtain the common BSGS formula: $$\tau^d(2^{-d})^{A+i\cdot 2^{18}} = (2^d)^{j}.$$ In this expression the right side corresponds to the “baby steps”, whereas the left side are the “giant steps”. There’s just one problem: Unfortunately, we don’t know $\tau^d$, we only know $g^{\tau^d}$, that’s why another exponentiation with $g$ is needed: $$g^{\tau^d}g^{(2^{-d})^{A+i\cdot 2^{18}}} = (g^{2^d})^{j}.$$

With this setup, we can finally use BSGS to determine a value for $k_0$, which turns out to be equal to $1089539821761426$.

2.4 Solving the DLP in $H_2$

In the final step, we’ll use $k_0$ to determine $k_1$. This time we operate in the subgroup $H_2 := \{x^{\frac{q-1}{d}} | x \in \mathbb{F}_q^{\times} \}$ generated by the element $2^{\frac{q-1}{d}}$. This group is of order $d$ and $d$ has $30$ bits, so we start with the following split of $k_1$: $$k_1 = i\cdot 2^{15} + j,$$ with $0 \leq i,j \leq 2^{15}$. Keeping this in mind we go on to formulate the DLP in $H_2$: $$\tau = 2^{k_0 + k_1\frac{q-1}{d}} = 2^{k_0} \cdot (2^{\frac{q-1}{d}})^{k_1}.$$ We once again re-arrange this into the typical BSGS formula and exponentiate with $g$ to obtain: $$(g^{\tau})^{2^{-k_0}} (g^{-{2^{\frac{q-1}{d}}}})^{i\cdot 2^{15}} = (g^{2^{\frac{q-1}{d}}})^{j}$$ Again, the right side corresponds to the “baby steps” and the left side corresponds to the “giant steps”. Using these parameters for BSGS we obtain $k_1 = 690599720$.

2.5 Baby-Step Giant-Step Implementation

In the BSGS implementation we utilize the functions supplied in the utils.rs file, as well as the relevant traits from the ark-ff crate. To calculate the “baby steps” we can conveniently use the supplied pow_sp2 function, which returns a HashMap<S, u64> object with values $p^{\text{exp}}, p^{\text{exp}^{2}}, …., p^{\text{exp}^{n}}$. Additionally, we are introducing a split parameter to adjust the number of “baby steps”, and accordingly the “length” of the “giant steps”. For example, for the calculation of $k_0$ above we decided on letting split = 1 << 18 ($2^{18}$), but depending on the machine other values may improve performance.

fn baby_step_giant_step<S: Field>(a: S, b: Fr, group_ord: u64, mut giant: S, split: u64) -> Option<u64> {
    let baby_steps = pow_sp2(a, b, split);
    let giant_step = pow_sp(b.inverse().unwrap(), split.into(), 64).into_bigint();
    let n = group_ord / split;

    for i in 0..n {
        if let Some(j) = baby_steps.get(&giant) {
            // return Some(i * split + (*j));
            return Some(i * split + (*j));
        giant = giant.pow(giant_step);

In summary, the first round of BSGS is run with baby_steps $= (g^{2^{d}})^j$, giant $= (g^{\tau^d})^{(2^{-d})^A}$ and giant_step $= (2^{-d})^{2^{18}}$.

let A: u64 = 1089478584172544;
let two_pow_d = pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64), d.into(), 31);
let giant = g_tau_d.pow(pow_sp(two_pow_d.inverse().unwrap(), A.into(), 51).into_bigint());

// Solve DLP in H_1, i.e. find k0
let k0 = match baby_step_giant_step(g, two_pow_d, q1_d, giant, 1 << 20) {
    Some(result) => A + result,
    None => {
        eprintln!("Error: BSGS failed to find k0.");

The second round of BSGS is run with baby_steps $= (g^{2^{\frac{q-1}{d}}})^j$, giant $= (g^\tau)^{2^{-{k_0}}}$ and giant_step $= (2^{-\frac{q-1}{d}})^{2^{18}}$.

let two_pow_q1_d = pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64), q1_d.into(), 51);
let giant = g_tau.pow(pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64).inverse().unwrap(), k0.into(), 51).into_bigint());
// Solve DLP in H_2, i.e. find k1
let k1 = match baby_step_giant_step(g, two_pow_q1_d, d, giant, 1 << 16) {
    Some(k1) => k1,
    None => {
        eprintln!("Error: BSGS failed to find k1.");

2.6 Recovering $\tau$

With the computed values for $k_0$ and $k_1$ we can now finally compute $\tau$: $$ \tau = 2^{k_0 + k_1 \frac{q-1}{d}} = 284865198031253921498207.$$

// Calculate τ = 2^(k0 + k1 (q-1)/d)
let exp = (k0 as u128) + (k1 as u128) * (q1_d as u128);
let tau = pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64), exp, 80);

3 Complete Rust Implementation

use ark_bls12_cheon::{Bls12Cheon, Fq12, Fr, G1Projective as G1, G2Projective as G2};

use crate::utils::{bigInt_to_u128, pow_sp, pow_sp2};
use ark_ec::pairing::Pairing;
use ark_ff::{Field, PrimeField};

const d1: u64 = 11726539;
const d2: u64 = 690320833;
const d: u64 = d1 + d2;
const q: u128 = 1114157594638178892192613;
const q1_d: u64 = ((q - 1) / d as u128 ) as u64;

pub fn attack(P: G1, tau_P: G1, tau_d1_P: G1, Q: G2, tau_d2_Q: G2) -> i128 {
    // Using pairing to obtain g := e(P,Q), g^tau := e(tau P,Q), g^tau^d = e(tau^d P, Q)
    let g: Fq12 = Bls12Cheon::pairing(P, Q).0;
    let g_tau: Fq12 = Bls12Cheon::pairing(tau_P, Q).0;
    let g_tau_d: Fq12 = Bls12Cheon::pairing(tau_d1_P, tau_d2_Q).0;

    let A: u64 = 1089478584172544;
    let two_pow_d = pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64), d.into(), 31);
    let giant = g_tau_d.pow(pow_sp(two_pow_d.inverse().unwrap(), A.into(), 51).into_bigint());
    // Solve DLP in H_1, i.e. find k0
    let k0 = match baby_step_giant_step(g, two_pow_d, q1_d, giant, 1 << 20) {
        Some(result) => A + result,
        None => {
            eprintln!("Error: BSGS failed to find k0.");
    println!("Found k0 = {}", k0);

    let two_pow_q1_d = pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64), q1_d.into(), 51);
    let giant = g_tau.pow(pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64).inverse().unwrap(), k0.into(), 51).into_bigint());
    // Solve DLP in H_2, i.e. find k1
    let k1 = match baby_step_giant_step(g, two_pow_q1_d, d, giant, 1 << 16) {
        Some(k1) => k1,
        None => {
            eprintln!("Error: BSGS failed to find k1.");
    println!("Found k1 = {}", k1);

    // Calculate τ = 2^(k0 + k1 (q-1)/d)
    let exp = (k0 as u128) + (k1 as u128) * (q1_d as u128);
    let tau = pow_sp(Fr::from(2u64), exp, 80);
    println!("Found τ = {}", tau);

    return bigInt_to_u128(tau.into_bigint()) as i128;

fn baby_step_giant_step<S: Field>(a: S, b: Fr, group_ord: u64, mut giant: S, split: u64) -> Option<u64> {
    let baby_steps = pow_sp2(a, b, split);
    let giant_step = pow_sp(b.inverse().unwrap(), split.into(), 64).into_bigint();
    let n = group_ord / split;

    for i in 0..n {
        if let Some(j) = baby_steps.get(&giant) {
            // return Some(i * split + (*j));
            return Some(i * split + (*j));
        giant = giant.pow(giant_step);

4 References

[1] “Cheon’s discrete log attack, and its relevance to zk-SNARKs” - https://hackmd.io/2oUhPtzWSRulLQ83Ctoy_g

  1. This is because evidently $\tau^d \in H_1$, so $H_1$ is non-empty and for elements $g := x^d, h := y^d \in H_1$ we have $$gh^{-1} = x^d(y^d)^{-1} = x^d(y^{-1})^d = (xy^{-1})^d.$$It follows that $x^d(y^d)^{-1} \in H_1$ and from the One-Step Subgroup Test we conclude, that $H_1$ is indeed a subgroup of $\mathbb{F}_q^{\times}$. ↩︎

  2. This is true, since $\mathbb{F}_q^{\times}$ is a cyclic group of order $q-1$. Let $g$ be a generator of this group, then to obtain the order of $H_1$ it is enough to calculate the order of $g^d$. In other words, we need to find the smallest $n \in \mathbb{N}$, such that $$(g^{d})^n = g^{dn} = 1$$Since $g$ is a generator, the equation implies that $dn$ must be a multiple of the order of the group, which is $q−1$. In other words: $$dn = m(q-1)$$The smallest positive $n$ that satisfies this equation occurs when $n = \frac{q-1}{d}$. This is because $d$ divides $q-1$. ↩︎